Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Three Years of Santa Visits

Marty and I are *still* laughing about our visit with Santa today.  Check out the montage:

Year 1:  Happiness!  Santa is great!

Year 2:  Dodged a bullet with a sleeping Lucy, bribed Will with a sucker.  Decent shot.

Year 3:  The Santa visit which will live in infamy.
Now *that* is Christmas awesomeness, y'all! 


Sarah said...


Kate said...

HA! I love how any parent thinks, "Wow, impressive" on #1, then "Pretty Good!" for #2, and then "Right on the money" for #3!

Becky said...

We are just hoping it's not "Childhood acts of violence on beloved holiday characters" for #4!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard, I almost had an accident! And you can tell that you tried so hard, with Lucy's hair all done up and Will's choo-choo train sweater! An instant classic. :) -Katie

Becky said...

Oh yes, there was a TON of effort put into that visit/picture. Which is why the ultimate outcome was that much funnier -- definitely a laugh or cry situation!!!

Kristen said...

I've already shared how AWESOME I think this photo is (on fb). Big fan. The true behind-the-scenese look at the holiday. :)

Did we ever tell you about the time that we got the awesome idea to take our CATS to see Santa? We were newly married (no kids yet, obs). We saw an ad for the PetSmart pet photos with Santa day. Matt thought it would make an awesome Christmas card - assuming the cats would freak out. (We're mostly EVIL!) And freak out they did. My cat was LITERALLY hanging from Santa's beard and Matt's cat looked like it was in shock.

Haven't attempted one with the kids. I think we feel like we've done enough harm to the whole Santa racket. :)

Kristen said...

Apparently, I've started drinking at work. Check out that spelling! Yowza!

Becky said...

I'm not against drinking at work as long as a) no patients or children are involved and b) you have a ride home. :)
And I know you're not drinking -- you're the queen of multitasking so you were probaby doing 39 other things while typing that out. Believe me, no spelling judgment from this corner!!!